Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

RSBI School Most Have A Wise Leader

Firstly, I will talk about the definition of international school. RSBI school represent education institute as learning place for student which have been confessed nationally as school with international level. School of RSBI differ from school in general. In general, lerning system in public school use standard competence based on national curriculum. However, RSBI school use two curriculum at the same time, that is not only using national curriculum, but also use international curriculum that usuall we called as curriculum of Cambridge. If in Indonesia, the explanation of national curriculum of course by Indonesia language. Besides it, the scope of the lesson also according to standard in Indonesia. While curriculum of Cambridge use curriculum base on international standard which have been specified by education in world.

To be RSBI school that confessed by world is a proud achievement. Because to reach the title of RSBI school validly are not only need one or two steps, however thousands of sure steps. This achievement reached by cooperation of all school citizen element, either from teacher, student and also the leader. If its input have goodness, so the output should be also goodness. Good process which walk better of course there is a commando. A commando in school is a headmaster. Everything that will do in school must be accepted from headmaster. Otherwise, hence any program cannot walk.
A wise headmaster will always support good programs of school. All school program that support, will send the the school to gold achievement. One of the example is to become RSBI school. Most of International school have a wise leader, because reason as following 1. Leader capable to give the best example attitude to teacher and also their student; 2. Taking decision by a wise profil; 3. The leader can mixed to all dweller of school; 4. The leader that has professionality to their duty and responsibility; 5. Leader owning wide of knowledge. Without existence of wise leader, achievement will not reach. The wisdom and authority of profil the leader are very need for the progress of successfulness of school.

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